Hi guys! I would like to start off by apologizing for the delay in writing. I have been very busy working on another project for the last month and haven't been able to write. So for a few months I will be writing a post every second week by thursdays! Sorry that this isn't much, but I will definitely write a part 2 next week. Thank you for your patience!
Autism is a complex brain disease that usually inhibits a person’s ability to communicate, respond to the environment, and build relationships with others. Autism was first discovered more than 50 years ago and is usually diagnosed at the age of two or three. Autism affects people of all races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
These unusual reactions can cause behavioral symptoms, such as refusing to hug or hug. Will the symptoms of autism change over time? For many children, the symptoms of autism will improve with treatment and age. Some children with autism grow up to lead normal or near-normal lives. Children whose language skills deteriorate early in life (usually before the age of 3) are at risk of developing epilepsy or epileptic brain activity.
Symptoms of autism can be seen between 18 months and 36 months of age. Although in some cases, the early warning signs of this disease begin in childhood. Early detection of this disease will facilitate the early treatment of the disease (Smith & Segal, 2007). Studies have even shown that failure to respond to a child’s own name is a sign of autism, which can be detected during the child’s developmental stage.
Children with symptoms of autism are at higher risk of developing the following diseases: Fragile X syndrome, which leads to mental retardation, tuberous sclerosis, in which tumors grow in the brain,
Tourette’s syndrome, epilepsy attack. For reasons that are not yet clear, approximately 20% to 30% of children with autism will develop epilepsy as adults. What are the signs and symptoms of autism? Generally speaking, children with autism struggle in three key developmental areas: social skills, language, and behavior. The most severe form of autism is characterized by a complete inability to communicate or interact with others.
Taking into account previous research on autism and treatment methods, the current research hypothesizes that sensory integration therapy will significantly improve the performance and academic performance of children with autism. Participant methods Participants in this study will be composed of young children with autism or other types of ASD who attend some type of daycare or school for children with disabilities. Participants will be in the age range of 3-7 years.
Some of the more common methods of treating children with autism include behavioral procedures such as early intervention and discrete trial training, speech therapy, dietary methods, and occupational therapy (Watling, Deitz, Kanny, and McLaughlin, 1999). Early intervention is a kind of behavioral analysis treatment for autism. It is a kind of intensive behavioral therapy. Once a child is diagnosed with autism, it usually begins before the age of 5. This type of treatment is based on the principle of operational conditioning.
Symptoms of autism are visible from 18 months to 36 months of age. Although in some cases, this disease has early warning signs from childhood. Early detection of this disease will facilitate early treatment of the disease (Smith & Segal, 2007). Research done even shows that the lack of response to the child's own name is a sign of autism, which can be found in early childhood development.
Home, school, and the subsequent on-the-job training and education work environment help people with autism to continue learning and developing throughout their lives. When the autistic person turns 22, the responsibility of the public school to provide services ends. Families are then challenged to find living and job arrangements to meet the special needs of their adult children, as well as plans and facilities that can provide support services to achieve these goals.